4A Farewells Summar Hipworth

After three years with 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art as its Program Manager and then General Manager, Summar Hipworth is leaving our organisation. Summar joined us in mid 2009 returning to Australia after a decade in London studying and working in a number of prestigious contemporary art organisations and artist studios. In her time with us, Summar has worked on key artist projects and she has overseen and driven much of the administrative transformation of 4A. We would not be the organisation we are today, producing the scale and complexity of our current program, without her tireless work, tenacity and humour.

While it is sad to see such a valued member of our close-knit team leave, I am immensely proud of the work we have achieved together, and I am sure the many artists whom she has worked with during her time with us would say much the same. I know that she will take these qualities with her to her next role and future positions. Best of luck Summar!

–  Aaron Seeto, Director, 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art